Ils ne mouraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappés / They did not all die, but all were stricken

Type: Event
Location: 72, Lodi Estate, New Delhi
City: New Delhi
Date: Fri, 2013/01/25 – 5:30pm
Category: Film screening
Duration: 1hrs 20mins

Ils ne mouraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappés / They did not all die, but all were stricken

25th January 2013, 5:30pm and 7:30pm

Director: Marc-Antoine RoudilSophie Bruneau 

2006, 1h20

Each week, in three public hospitals in the Paris region, a psychologist and two doctors received men and women who are sick of their work. Working on the chain, branch manager, care assistant, store manager…

In turn, four people recount their suffering at work within a single maintenance. Three specialized professionals listen and gradually establish the relationship between the individual suffering of the patient and new forms of work organization.

Through intimacy, intensity and truth of all these ordinary dramas taken from life, the film shows the banality of evil in the world of work. “They did not all die, but all were stricken” is a film camera that takes shape and direction, a reality invisible and silent: the suffering at work.

Un documentaire important, tiré d’un livre d’entretiens, qui met en lumière toutes les frustrations, tout le malheur créé par le travail, de l’hôpital aux chaines de productions. Humiliations, stress, fatigue, cadences infernales, toutes les facettes les plus dures des jobs qui sont pourtant les plus communs sont dépeintes ici, dans une mise en scène sobre et minimaliste.

En effet, ce sont simplement des témoignages face caméra de ceux qui souffrent dans leur chair et dans leur esprit, à hauteur d’homme, sans qu’il n’y ait besoin d’autres images que celles des visages d’hommes et de femmes pour témoigner de toute la violence du quotidien.