Book Launch :La Maladie de la Mort

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City: Delhi
Location: M. L. Bhartia Auditorium , Alliance Francaise de Delhi
Date: Wed, 2010/07/21 -6:00pm – 7:30pm
Price: Open to all
Category: Other
Duration: 1 hour 30 mins

Book Launch : La Maladie de la Mort

An evening on  Marguerite Duras on the occasion of the book launch of La Maladie de la Mort translated into Hindi by Teji Grover and publisher by Vani Prakashan in association with the French Embassy.

The book launch will be followed by a projection of the documentary, “Marguerite, telle qu’en elle même” by Dominique Auvray.

Cheif guest of the evening : Writer and translator Ms.Geetanjali Shree

Event open to all.