Ciné Club: To our loves / A nos amours

City: New Delhi
Location: M. L. Bhartia Auditorium , Alliance Francaise de Delhi
Date: Fri, 2010/12/03 – 5:30pm – Sun, 2010/12/12 – 7:30pm
Price: Open to all.
Category: Film screening
Duration: 1.5 hours


Ciné club in December: Let’s talk about sex !

To our loves / A nos amours
Friday 3  December 2010, 5.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. 

1983 – Col- 91mins
Director: Maurice Pialat
The movie is a startlingly honest intimate coming-of-age melodrama with a stunning debut performance from Sandrine Bonnaire. Disregarding issues of conventional morality, director depicts a girl who explores her sexuality against the setting of a dysfunctional family that’s also violent and incestuous. Refusing to judge his characters, Pialat goes for detailed portrayals of relationships. There’s a late-night conversation scene that may be the most intimate and poignant father-daughter in movies. The film won the Cesar (French Oscar) for Best Picture and put Bonnaire at the forefront of young French actress.