Design X Design Exhibition : 20under35

City: New Delhi
Location: Galerie Romain Rolland, Alliance Francaise de delhi
Date: Wed, 2010/12/22 – 11:00am – Mon, 2011/01/03 – 8:00pm
Price: Open to all
Category: Exhibition
Duration: 11 days

 Design X Design Exhibition : 20under35
Galerie Romain Rolland, Alliance Francaise de Delhi
22 December 2010 to 3 January 2011, 11.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Preview : Tuesday, 21 December 2010, 6.30 p.m.


The exhibition component of Design X Design involves showcasing the work of Delhi based designers to facilitate the reading of prevailing trends across various design based creative industries. Never easy to comprehend, the design story of a culture at any given moment, is perhaps best understood by looking at young design practices. Therefore, Design X Design Exhibition: 20under35 by sharing the philosophies, working methods and future aspirations of the twenty shortlisted designers under the age of thirty five aims to raise levels of appreciation, foster cross connections and inform the journeys ahead.


About  Design X Design

Design in its many manifestations forms an integral part of every culture. Civilizations evolve and attain their full potential because of it .Design based creative industries in India are witness to a fascinating churning, necessitating a search for a vision that may inform their evolution beyond – spanning education, profession and the industry. Thus, involving exposes, roundtables, exhibitions etc.. Design X Design is a step in that direction.

The energy behind the design of a pin or a city being the same, this joint initiative of Alliance Francaise de Delhi and Studio IF is also geared towards raising levels of appreciation within and nurturing connections across various creative industries – architecture, urban/ landscape/ interior design, product/ industrial design, textile/ fashion design, graphic/ communication design etc.. Local and global in outlook, it is directed at the initiated and the uninitiated alike.