Le Coeur des Hommes/The Heart of Men

City: New Delhi
Location: M.L Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi
Date: Fri, 2011/03/25 -4:30pm – 6:30pm
Price: Free Admission, Open to All
Category: Film screening
Duration: 100 min


Francophonie Week from 21st to 26th March

Cinema  presented by the Embassy of France

Friday, 25th March at 4.30 pm

at M.L Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi

Le Coeur des Hommes/The Heart of Men

Directed by Marc Esposito. 2003. 100 min.


Alex, Jeff, Manu et Antoine forment une vraie bande de copains unie tant dans les moments heureux que dans ceux qui le sont moins. Les événements qui jalonnent leur quotidien vont sans cesse les rapprocher et les aider à traverser ensemble les épreuves qui surgissent un printemps. Ce printemps est en effet riche en questionnements intimes et sur son avenir et rempli d’épreuves, notamment avec les femmes. Leur amitié va leur permettre à coup de mises au point, de conseils et d’entraide masculine, de mieux comprendre et percevoir leur rapport avec les femmes.


Alex, Antoine, Jeff and Manu are childhood friends. All have achieved some measure of professional success and are coasting along pleasantly. Suddenly, the death of a father, a wife’s infidelity and a daughter’s wedding shatters their worlds and brings them closer together. Forced to confront situations beyond their control, they suddenly must learn to share their feelings, how to support each other, and question the true meaning of their lives… and, of course, along the way they realize that their relationship with women is at the heart of all their problems, their conversations and their conflicts.