Nuits d’Arabie/ Arabian Nights

City: New Delhi
Location: M.L Bhartia, Alliance Française de Delhi
Date: Wed, 2011/03/23 -7:00pm – 9:00pm
Price: Free Admission
Category: Film screening
Duration: 110 min

Francophonie Week from 21st to 26th March 


CINEMA presented by the Embassy of Luxembourg

Wednesday, 23rd March at 7.00 pm

at M.L Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi

Nuits d’Arabie/Arabian Nights

Directed by Paul Kieffer. 2007, 110 min.

Quand le contrôleur de train Georges rencontre la mystérieuse Yamina, il ne se doute pas que sa vie est sur le point de basculer. Après plusieurs rencontres, ils nouent une amitié qui le remet totalement en question. Peu à peu,  Georges délaisse sa famille pour tenir compagnie à sa protégée, qu’il a installé dans une cabane et qui lui raconte son enfance algérienne. Lorsque Yamina est enlevée, Georges prend la décision irrationnelle de suivre son cœur et se lance à sa recherche jusqu’au fin fond du désert algérien.

Georges’s life is turned upside down when he meets Yamina. She is persecuted and living in hiding, whereas his reality is rooted in a daily routine without any surprises. Yamina’s stories fascinate him: her happy childhood memories, the massacres in the 1990s in the Great South, and life in Algeria and then in France. Georges spends more and more time with her only to be utterly disorientated the day she disappears without a word. As his search for her unfolds, Georges realizes that he knows nothing about her and that every person he meets who knew Yamina seems to have a different version of the young woman’s life. Convinced that he must go to Algiers to save her, Georges abandons everything and sets out on a journey that leads him to an oasis in the Sahara…