The River Yamuna , Water & India

City: Delhi
Location: M.L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi
Date: Mon, 2010/11/22 -6:30pm – 8:00pm
Price: Free admission.Open to all.
Category: Film screening
Duration: 1.5 hours


The River Yamuna , Water & India
A film by Cedrik Verdure, followed by a discussion
Tuesday, 30 November, 2.30 p.m.
M.L. Bhartia Auditoirum 

“In 2008, with a small team and reduced financial means, I went to film the country which will soon be the most heavily populated in the world. Indeed, whatever efforts we may make to reduce our impact over ecology, if the most numerous populations on Earth do not contribute for the most part to the necessary restrictions, then it is very likely our struggle remains vain. My team and I travelled along the river in search of diverse people to meet, each with their own points of view, and it all results in a striking contrast, much above my expectations.In 2009, the film was twice on front page of Dailymotion, once on and now on”

-Cedrik Verdure, director

The screening of the movie, subtitled in English, will be followed by a discussion with Cedrik Verdure and the journalist Vineet Narain.

Entry on first come-first served basis.
For more information contact us at [email protected] or call us at 01143500 217/ 218 / 230/ 222